Category: Disability

  • The Accident That Put Me In A Wheelchair (part 3)

    The Accident That Put Me In A Wheelchair (part 3)

    Part 3 – The Fight to Live In the early afternoon on Saturday, I woke up. I remember Steve and Kurt being there, but John had been sent to a lab with blood samples to see if I had been drugged. There was a lot of commotion and they called for the doctor to come…

  • The Accident That Put Me In A Wheelchair (part 2)

    The Accident That Put Me In A Wheelchair (part 2)

    Part 2 – Rescue (click here for part 1) To my great fortune, there was a security guard that saw me lying in the water at the start of his rounds. It was surely an answered prayer. He originally thought that I was just goofing off, so he went about his business. It wasn’t until…

  • The Accident That Put Me In A Wheelchair (part 1)

    The Accident That Put Me In A Wheelchair (part 1)

    The Accident A lot of people want to know about the accident that put me in a wheelchair. I usually give a brief recap of the events that occurred: a basic where, when, and what occurred. It’s shocking enough to just hit the highlights that I don’t often get pressed for a lot of the…

  • The Strength Of A Marriage Is Tested In The Midst Of Life’s Worst Storms

    The Strength Of A Marriage Is Tested In The Midst Of Life’s Worst Storms

    Sometimes the strength of a marriage is tested in the midst of life’s worst storms. The initial prognosis from the wound specialist was very grim and scary. “I’m touching bone in this cavity and these two sores that are six inches apart are definitely communicating (connected by a tunnel under the skin)”, the doctor said. She…

  • A New Meaning to Working Your Tail Off

    A New Meaning to Working Your Tail Off

    I just spent nine days in the hospital with an infection that spread into my tailbone (osteomyelitis, for my nerdy readers). It started as a small pressure sore that was likely caused by being in my wheelchair for too many hours. I guess that gives a new meaning to working your tail off.

  • Driven To Help 

    Driven To Help 

    As I’m writing this blog post, Steve has just finished his full time job and is working the next two hours for the rideshare service lyft. He is doing that to enable us to put as much money toward debt as possible and help Josh pay for school.