Category: Wheelchair Life
The Accident That Put Me In A Wheelchair (part 2)
Part 2 – Rescue (click here for part 1) To my great fortune, there was a security guard that saw me lying in the water at the start of his rounds. It was surely an answered prayer. He originally thought that I was just goofing off, so he went about his business. It wasn’t until…
The Accident That Put Me In A Wheelchair (part 1)
The Accident A lot of people want to know about the accident that put me in a wheelchair. I usually give a brief recap of the events that occurred: a basic where, when, and what occurred. It’s shocking enough to just hit the highlights that I don’t often get pressed for a lot of the…
A New Meaning to Working Your Tail Off
I just spent nine days in the hospital with an infection that spread into my tailbone (osteomyelitis, for my nerdy readers). It started as a small pressure sore that was likely caused by being in my wheelchair for too many hours. I guess that gives a new meaning to working your tail off.