Parallel Lives

When Steve’s accident occurred in March of 1999, we were leading parallel lives. God had not yet allowed the curves in our paths to happen that would eventually cause our lives to intersect. I was living my life, completely unaware that 40 miles north of me, there was a mother who wanted nothing more than to fly to her son. He was injured and near death, almost 3000 miles away. My heart would have broken for her no doubt. Of course, I didn’t know, and we were living two very distinct, and yet ironically similar lives.

I was child proofing my house, and she would soon be getting her house ready for a wheelchair. I was watching my son slowly gain little glimpses of independence, learning to walk, to talk, etc. She was watching her son relearn how to be independent. Ironic, isn’t it?

I was being the stereotypical “Mama Bear”. After all, he was my first and I had to protect him. It was my job and I couldn’t fail. I’m imagining that the protective instinct of her was also in overdrive during this time. Once he was home, she couldn’t allow him to be hurt again, and she sure didn’t want him out of her sight.

Even though my little boy was just that, little, I had such hopes and dreams for him. Who would he become? What college would he attend? What kind of job would he have? Who would he marry? I’m imagining that those same thoughts entered her mind when her little boy was a toddler too, and yet what were her thoughts now?

I think they may have taken on a different form: Will he be able to finish college? What kind of job will he be able to do, especially if he doesn’t finish college? Will he be able to live alone? Will he marry?

Neither of us could know the answers to those questions, and honestly, we wouldn’t want to know. Imagine how scary knowing the future would be for all of us. We may think we want to know, but I believe that God prevents this for our best interest. And to be perfectly honest, it is wonderful when exciting things happen that we never see coming. Life is certainly a blend of both, and that was absolutely the case with mine and Steve’s…







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